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Prof. Dr. Rolf Monheim

Angewandte Stadtgeographie und Stadtplanung

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Curriculum Vitae

Rolf Monheim, geb. 1941, verheiratet, drei Kinder, sechs Enkel

Studium der Geographie, Geschichte, Soziologie 1961-1968 in Bonn, München, Aachen

Promotion Universität Bonn 1968 („Die Agrostadt im Siedlungsgefüge Mittelsiziliens“)

Habilitation Universität Bonn 1976 („Fußgängerbereiche und Fußgängerverkehr in Innenstädten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland“)

Professur für Angewandte Stadtgeographie und Stadtplanung, Universität Bayreuth 1978 - 2007

Seit 2007 freiberufliche Tätigkeit in Forschung, Beratung und als Referent


Curriculum Vitae (engl.)

Rolf Monheim (born in 1941) studied geography, history and sociology at the Universities of Bonn, Munich and Aachen from 1961 to 1968.

He graduated from Bonn with a Ph.D. thesis on the Agro-Town in Central Sicily. In 1976 he attained his habilitation with the thesis subject: Pedestrian Precincts and Pedestrian Traffic in German City-Centres.

From 1978 until his retirement in 2007 he was professor in Applied Urban Geography (including courses in Town Planning) at the University of Bayreuth.

He continues his research and consulting activities.

His fields of research are: City centres in Germany and Italy (wit a focus on historical city centres), retail in general and especially shopping centres, urban transportation and mobility, recreation and tourism, including shopping tourism, housing, city planning, urban design and city marketing.

His consulting speciality is the development of city centres (capture area, accessibility, including parking management, land use, image); his proposals are based on a wide range of empirical case studies. 


Curriculum Vitae (ital.)

Rolf Monheim, nato il 26.12.1941,

1961 iscitto alle Università di Bonn, Monaco di Baviera e Aquisgrana per Geografia, Sociologia e Storia.

1968 Dottorato all’Università di Bonn (Facoltà di Filosophia)

1968-1978 Assistente all’Istituto di Geografia dell’Universita di Bonn

1978-2007 Professore di Geografia Urbana Applicata all’Università di Bayreuth

Da 2007 libero consulente e relatore

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Susan Ari

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